Bevezető szöveg

Bázel és Gödöllő. Mi köti össze ezt a két várost? Például egy a nők helyzetének javításáért létrehozott együttműködés.

Két női szervezet fogott össze annak érdekében, hogy tapasztalatcserén keresztül segítsék egymás munkáját, ezzel pedig közvetve célcsoportjukat, a nőket. A REGINA Alapítvány és a Fraune_oase közös projektben vállalta, hogy feltérképezi, - ki-ki a saját hazájában - a nőket támogató ellátó rendszert, beleértve női tereket, szociális hálót, jogi hátteret, intézményi keretrendszert, segítő civil szervezeteket. Az eredményeket összehasonlítva és elemezve kívánjuk fejleszteni szolgáltatásainkat.

A honlapon megjelentetett projekteseményeket követve Ön is részese lehet munkánknak, felhasználója a kutatásból, összegző dokumentumokból szerezhető információknak.

Basel and Gödöllő. What connects these two cities? For example a cooperation created to improve the situation of women.

Two women house associations came together with the aim to help each other in their daily work through experience exchange and to help with this indirectly their target group – the women. The REGINA foundation from Gödöllő and the association frauen_oase from Basel have appointed in their common project that they will create a database - each organisation in their home country- which will sum up the available help services for women in both countries. This includes information about women topics, the social network, the legal background, the institutional framework and the helping civil organisations. With the analysis and comparison of these results they hope to improve their service.

In following the current project activities, you can also take part of our work, be a user of our research and provide yourself with all the information in the available documents.

2013. augusztus 12., hétfő

The state of Hungarian Women in 2013 - Study on the Social Benefits, Legal Aid and Health Condition Concerning Vulnerable Groups of Women

One of the project activities was to collect information related to social, healt-care system and legal backround in Hungary and Switzerland.
Here we publish the English version of document which presents Hungarian situation.


According to women’s organizations in Hungary, the effective advancement of gender equality and the establishment of its legal, political and institutional framework have been unsuccessful since 1989. Issues of discrimination against women have never been taken sufficiently into consideration up to the present, neither on the level of everyday political practice nor supported by any political agenda. 

The CEDAW Committee (Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women) commissioned their current Periodic Report of Hungary in March this year and published its report with more than 60 recommendations. The Committee found several areas of gender issues problematic, where there is no progress observed, what is more alarming there is a regressive approach by the current government, in power since 2010. The government dismantled the national institutional system of gender equality by redistributing responsibility for them between different non-connected ministries. Any statements on family policy issued by the current government makes it clear that they consider women mainly but not exclusively as home makers and potential mothers.

The Committee suggested to the government, among other things, to help women’s employment (especially women with small children), to discontinue such political decisions which affect women’s sexual and reproduction rights negatively and to include the issue of gender equality into the education policy. It also recommended that the government should change the insufficient legislation regarding domestic violence, human trafficking and prostitution, to harmonize the legislation with the international norms, and that the government should provide an effective and long term protection and rehabilitation for the victims of domestic violence, human trafficking and prostitution (for example there are not enough shelters available for the victims). It also raised the issue of introducing legislation on women in the different area of the political arena The Committee underlined that the Hungarian state still not give due attention to the women of disadvantaged groups, and still there is not any successful program designed specifically for those women who face multiple discrimination, such as Romany women, women living in rural areas, women with disabilities, women living in poverty or migrant women.

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