Bevezető szöveg

Bázel és Gödöllő. Mi köti össze ezt a két várost? Például egy a nők helyzetének javításáért létrehozott együttműködés.

Két női szervezet fogott össze annak érdekében, hogy tapasztalatcserén keresztül segítsék egymás munkáját, ezzel pedig közvetve célcsoportjukat, a nőket. A REGINA Alapítvány és a Fraune_oase közös projektben vállalta, hogy feltérképezi, - ki-ki a saját hazájában - a nőket támogató ellátó rendszert, beleértve női tereket, szociális hálót, jogi hátteret, intézményi keretrendszert, segítő civil szervezeteket. Az eredményeket összehasonlítva és elemezve kívánjuk fejleszteni szolgáltatásainkat.

A honlapon megjelentetett projekteseményeket követve Ön is részese lehet munkánknak, felhasználója a kutatásból, összegző dokumentumokból szerezhető információknak.

Basel and Gödöllő. What connects these two cities? For example a cooperation created to improve the situation of women.

Two women house associations came together with the aim to help each other in their daily work through experience exchange and to help with this indirectly their target group – the women. The REGINA foundation from Gödöllő and the association frauen_oase from Basel have appointed in their common project that they will create a database - each organisation in their home country- which will sum up the available help services for women in both countries. This includes information about women topics, the social network, the legal background, the institutional framework and the helping civil organisations. With the analysis and comparison of these results they hope to improve their service.

In following the current project activities, you can also take part of our work, be a user of our research and provide yourself with all the information in the available documents.

2012. október 29., hétfő

Workshop 24th September Gödöllő

The municipality library and information centre in Gödöllő was the venue where the workshop took place, the topics of the workshops were violence against women, aid for victims of violence, the services of institutions concerning women and the participation of civil organisations to stop violence against women.

The invited lecturers and discussion partners were mostly experts on the fields of social work, civil organisations, education and law. The head of the association frauen_oase presented the women helping system in Switzerland and gave information about their own services in their women house, the structure of their association and their financial resources. (

Already on this point from the Hungarian side there was the realization that our backwardness will not be easy to overcome. With his observation we don’t mean primarily the financial assets (which still seem to be fixed for the Swiss partner for years ahead), but the good functioning system which is working since almost three decades and provides the women on based laws protection, variety of services and insurance. It seems that in Switzerland it is not questioned what exact background a women has who needs help. It is natural that there is help provided for her. Moreover they seem to let the women use their own competencies so that they can decide how they want to live their life. They don’t treat a drug addicted or prostitute as a force that “drags down” society, but they help her in the first place. They don’t send her compulsory to withdrawal or have prejudices against her. Of course they provide her with all the necessary information and possibilities, so if a woman decides that she wants to leave her formal life, she knows to whom and where she can turn to.
In Basel, many Hungarian prostitutes visit the frauen_oase. For food, for warming up, for changing and buying cheap clothes and sometimes they ask for help and advice. The frauen_oase would like to help these women, and so they decided to find a Hungarian partner through whom the organisation knows more about the circumstances, the background of the institutional service system and the helping civil associations in Hungary.

A project with the same target group is the so named IRIS- project, which was also financed from the Twinning and Partnership Block Grant by the Swiss Contribution (IRIS- project website: Swiss Contribution for Hungary The project leader of the IRIS-project is the Sex Educatio foundation; the further partners are the INDIT foundation, the Periferia foundation and the Flora Dora organisation from Zürich. On the workshop, Katinka Fehér, a social worker from the INDIT foundation, informed about the IRIS- project. 

Unfortunately due to an illness, Lídia Balogh, the head of the Magyar Női Érdekérvényesitő Szövetség (Hungarian Women’s Lobby), who is also the expert of the MONA (Foundation for the women in Hungary), could not take place on the workshop. But luckily, the secretary of the Hungarian Women’s Lobby was on the workshop instead.

For the REGINA Foundation Kinga Milánovics made a presentation under the topic of “Working out of a system from below to stop the violence against women”. 
She talked about the 10 years of the REGINA Foundation, about the completed work in the past and activities that were connected with helping women. Also about the national tendencies regarding the recognition of violence against women, about the possibilities of this acknowledgement and about the efforts against this recognition.

After the presentations there was an active discussion about the current changes of the law, about the existence and limits of the help system, about the not sufficient help system, and about what should be done in the future.

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